Sharps Disposal Florida

 The improper disposal of contaminated sharps is a serious safety concern for garbage collectors and landfill workers.  Sharps Disposal Florida If improperly thrown in trash bags along with regular trash, these sharps can puncture the bags and cause injury. At this time, the District of Columbia does not have a needle disposal program. We offer these disposal tips as guidance. Check with your doctor, clinic or hospital to see about a needle or “sharps” disposal program at their office. Prevent injury, illness and pollution by following these simple steps to dispose of sharp needles and contaminated materials used when administering home health care. We want to keep you, your family and trash collection crews safe. Place needles, syringes, lancets and other contaminated sharps in any puncture-resistant, resealable, disposable household container (examples include an empty bleach bottle, laundry detergent bottle or metal coffee can). We recommend choosing a container that has a small opening so no one can stick his or her hand into it.


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