Florida Biomedical Waste Program

 Biomedical waste is defined as any type of waste created during a diagnostic process, the treatment of a condition or disease, or immunizations of humans or animals. Florida Biomedical Waste Program It also includes any research activities or processes that involve biological testing. In essence, it’s any type of waste that contains any type of material that may be contaminated with potentially infectious properties. Infectious properties can be found in syringes delivering medications or chemotherapy. They can be found in bedding, bandages, or clothing contaminated with blood or bodily fluids of a person infected with a communicable disease. waste management, including that of biomedical waste, is as important as disposal of that waste. The impact of biomedical waste on the environment should be the concern of every employee in every healthcare facility, regardless of size or location. That’s why it’s important to identify it and segregate it properly.  Generators of biomedical waste need to manage it properly and have a biomedical waste management plan in place. Some facilities (based on volume of medical waste generated on a monthly basis) are encouraged to implement on-site hazardous waste management practices. Improper segregation and disposal of biomedical waste has the potential to contaminate groundwater sources, which in turn may infect humans and animals alike. From a hospital’s waste and storage receptacles to landfills, biomedical waste needs to be properly contained to keep it away from birds, rodents, and stray animals (as well as humans). This enhances packaging and labeling of contaminants and helps prevent the spread of illness through human and animal populations – by air, land, or water.


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