Pharmaceutical waste management
Pharmaceutical waste is any waste that contains medicinal drugs
that are expired, unused, contaminated damaged or no longer needed. Pharmaceutical waste
management Our waste services can help with the collection and
disposal. Pharmaceutical waste can not be disposed of in the usual way. Special
care and precautions must be taken when handling and disposing of
pharmaceutical waste due to its dangerous nature. If your pharmaceutical waste
is not disposed of appropriately, the effects can be devastating, not only for
the public and the environment but for your business. Pharmaceutical waste must be stored securely
before collection. This minimizes the chance of the waste leaking, spilling, or
contaminating the rest of the waste accumulated on your property. At Business
Waste, we provide a wide range of different bins and containers for
Pharmaceutical waste. Pharmaceutical waste can result from many activities and
locations in a healthcare facility. If you have a compounding pharmacy on-site,
it generates drug waste. Anywhere medicines are employed can be the site of
spills, half-used bottles, IV equipment with residual medicine on it. Waste
drugs or pharmaceuticals can pose a special treatment and management challenge.
Small quantities at households can often be thrown away in the municipal waste
stream (perhaps with some makeshift method of denaturing or making the drugs
undesirable to interlopers). Large quantities kept at pharmacies, distribution
centers, hospitals, etc. must be managed to minimize the risk of release or to
exposure to workers and the public.
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