Florida Biomedical Waste Program

 Biomedical waste is defined as any type of waste created during a diagnostic process, the treatment of a condition or disease, or immunizations of humans or animals. Florida Biomedical Waste Program It also includes any research activities or processes that involve biological testing. In essence, it’s any type of waste that contains any type of material that may be contaminated with potentially infectious properties. Infectious properties can be found in syringes delivering medications or chemotherapy. They can be found in bedding, bandages, or clothing contaminated with blood or bodily fluids of a person infected with a communicable disease. Infectious biomedical waste (also called biohazardous waste) is produced by diagnostics, follow-up and preventive, curative or palliative treatment in human and veterinary medicine. To protect all from unnecessary exposure to biohazardous agents, biomedical waste MUST NOT be disposed of with regular waste. Biomedical waste is any solid or liquid waste which may present a threat of infection to humans. EH&S provides required annual biomedical waste training, inspections, and disposal services. Bio medical wastes are waste generated from hospitals at various wards. There are different kinds of biomedical waste such as Anatomical waste, Animal waste, biology and biotechnology discarded medicine and cytotoxic drugs, Incineration Ash, Waste sharps, Soiled waste, Solid waste, Liquid waste, Chemical waste. This waste must be transported from hospitals to common treatment facility where these wastes are recycled using treatment equipments in order to avoid pollution.


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