Biomedical Waste Disposal


Improper management can cause various viral or bacterial infections. This can lead to form resistant organisms or pathogens. Biomedical Waste Disposal  This further leads the organisms to our door steps. So, prime attention should be on proper and safe disposal of these wastes.  Separation of different types of waste is essential. It reduces the risk of infection among workers and the public. In addition, it avoids physical injury. Color coding is not only for us. It represents the basic principle that all the waste is not the same so they will not end up in the same place. Different kinds of waste means their treatment process is also not the same. For the intention of segregation colour coded bins are used. Every bin has a distinct waste base on their treatment process and their quality.  Infectious materials containing dead tissue may conceal especially dangerous and/or communicable infectious agents. Such waste includes blood, body fluids, tissues, organs, body parts, human fetuses, and animal carcasses. A subcategory of pathological waste is anatomical waste, which consists of identifiable human or animal body parts, healthy or otherwise. Sharps are objects sharp enough to cut or puncture the skin, e.g. knives, scalpels and other blades, infusion sets, needles, hypodermic needles, saws, broken glass, nails, etc. They can transmit infections directly into the bloodstream. Sharps are generally treated as highly hazardous medical waste regardless of whether they are contaminated or not.


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