Pharmaceutical waste management


Disposal of the waste by burial in landfill may cause the pollution of groundwater (if the site is inappropriately designed and/or managed). Pharmaceutical waste management  Because of the aforementioned hazards, when a treatment or disposal solution for medical waste is selected (especially when there is a risk of toxic emissions or other dangerous consequences),  the relative risks and the integration of the method into the overall framework of a comprehensive waste strategy should be carefully evaluated taking local conditions into consideration. Biomedical waste management became a major issue because it poses potential health risks. Mortality due to infectious disease is the leading cause of deaths worldwide Separation of different types of waste is essential. It reduces the risk of infection among workers and the public. In addition, it avoids physical injury. Color coding is not only for us. It represents the basic principle that all the waste is not the same so they will not end up in the same place. Different kinds of waste means their treatment process is also not the same. For the intention of segregation colour coded bins are used. Every bin has a distinct waste base on their treatment process and their quality. 


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